The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio accepts the following forms of payment for Criminal Debt:
In-Person Payments - Cash, cashier's checks, money orders, and personal checks are accepted at our Cincinnati, Columbus and Dayton locations during normal business hours.
Change cannot be made for cash payments, please have exact payment amount available when paying by cash.
Note: We do not accept credit card payments for Restitution.
Mail - Money orders, cashier's checks and personal checks made payable to Clerk, U.S. District Court, can be mailed to our Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton locations.
Please legibly print your full name and case number on your payment. Please do not send cash in the mail.
Note: Counter/starter checks without a bank printed name, address, and check number, are not an acceptable form of payment.
The returned item fee is $53.00. This applies to any form of payment that does not settle for any reason.
Online Payments
To make your payment, follow the link to the OHSD Criminal Debt form below:
To Make a Single Payment without storing your user information
Choose the “Continue to the Form” option on the payment form link above.
Need assistance?
Please note that Southern District of Ohio does not operate For operational questions, go to ONLINE HELP.
For case related questions call the Clerk's Office at 614-719-3000 or by email
For finance related questions call the Finance Department at 614-719-3060 or emailing