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Local Rules

The Local Rules for the Southern District of Ohio are available in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format.

July 15, 2024
Local Rules as amended July 15, 2024
General Order 24-04 Re: Adoption of Local Rules

June 10, 2024

Redline of the Local Rules

July 25, 2022

Local Rules as amended July 25, 2022
General Order 22-17 In Re: Adoption of Local Rules and Authorization of Audio Streaming Program

May 27, 2022

Local Rules as amended May 27, 2022
General Order 22-16 Re:  Adoption of Local Rules

February 7, 2022

Local Rules as amended February 7, 2022
General Order 22-07 Re:  Adoption of Local Rules

October 22, 2021

Local Rules as amended October 22, 2021
General Order 21-22 In re:  Adoption of Local Rules

July 28, 2021

Local Rules as amended July 28, 2021
General Order 21-18 In re:  Adoption of Local Rules

November 16, 2020

Local Rules as amended November 16, 2020
General Order 20-37 re:  Adoption of Local Rules

Effective August 1, 2020

Local Rules as amended August 1, 2020 (pdf)
General Order 20-24 re:  Adoption of Local Rules (pdf)

Effective March 6, 2020

By-Laws for the Local Rules Committee
General Order 20-29 In re:  By-Laws for the Local Rules Committee

Effective January 1, 2020

Local Rules as amended January 1, 2020 (pdf)
General Order 20-01 re:  Adoption of Local Rules (pdf)

Effective January 1, 2016

Local Rules as amended January 1, 2016 (pdf)
General Order 15-04 re: Adoption of Local Rules (pdf)

Effective June 1, 2010

Local Patent Rules effective June 1, 2010
General Order 10-03 re: Adoption of Local Patent Rules

Prior Versions of the Local Rules

General Orders
Local Rules Committee Members (Effective April 1, 2024) - Suggestions for amendments to the local rules of this Court may be made in writing at any time to the Chair or Secretary of the Committee.  The current chair and Secretary are shown in the roster.