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Ohio Southern District ranked among most productive in country

Monday, February 26, 2024

The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio was recognized by the federal court’s Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts in Washington, D.C. as one of the most efficient courts in America.

The Southern District of Ohio was ranked in the top 15 for being most productive among the 94 federal district courts. The Administrative Office came to their conclusion by analyzing data from Fiscal Year 2023 and considered hours on the bench, trial hours, and the number of civil and criminal before each district.

“This year’s recognition is gratifying and reflects the dedication and hard work by everyone who serves our Court,” Chief District Judge Algenon Marbley said. “Trying cases and providing justice efficiently are among our core judicial competencies.”

The Court improved upon its ranking from Fiscal Year 2022 when it was ranked in the top 25.

The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio has Courthouses in Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton. It covers a broad geographic area encompassing 48 urban and rural counties from just north of Columbus south to the Ohio River.